Hut-to-hut, Karnataka, India. The prototype comprises two buildings, with living room and storage to the left, bedrooms above, and kitchen/toilet to the right.
Projects / Dwelling
Hut-to-hut, Karnataka, India
In the Ghat mountains in India, Rintala Eggertsson and a group of architecture students built a prototype for an eco-resort.
Architect: Rintala Eggertsson Arkitekter with students from NTNU
Published 15 Dec, 2014
Following an international seminar about the future of eco-tourism in the Western Ghats region in India, the hut was a prototype developed in a design/build workshop with students from NTNU. The concept is to be as environmentally friendly as possible, and the hut is based on local building traditions. One, two or more huts can be connected to form clusters and courtyards. Unfortunately, the complete project for an eco-resort was never realized.