18 Dec, 2016
"Tracing a timber breakthrough"
By Marius Nygaard, Catherine Sunter and Ona Katrina Flindall
Byline: Wood/Be/Better is a research project led by Professor Marius Nygaard at the Institute of Architecture at The Oslo School og Architecture and design.
Images: 25
15 Dec, 2014
«They sold our streets and nobody noticed»
By Anna Minton
Byline: Anna Minton is a writer and journalist and the author of Ground Control: Fear and Happiness in the 21st Century City. She is a Visiting Professor in Architecture at the University of East London.
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03 Oct, 2013
"The Urban Act"
By Ole Møystad and Hettie Pisters
Byline: Hettie Pisters, landscape architect MNLA, is a managing partner in STUDIO hp AS.
Ole Møystad, architect MNAL, is professor at NTNU’s Metamorfose – Centre for Real Estate and Facilities Management, and partner in STUDIO hp AS.
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29 Aug, 2013
29 Aug, 2013
"Pockets of Sustainability"
By Maarten Gielen in collaboration with Lionel Devlieger
Byline: ROTOR are the curators of the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2013. The triennale takes place in Oslo from 19th September to 1st December 2013.
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06 Jun, 2013
"Landscape Planning in China:" An interview with Kongjian Yu
By Tore Edvard Bergaust and Karsten Jørgensen
Byline: Kongjian Yu is Professor and Head of the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Beijing University, and Guest Professor at Harvard University. He is the principal of the landscape firm Turenscape in Beijing.
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06 Jun, 2013
05 Dec, 2012
"Lawless Sustainability"
By Rachel Armstrong
Byline: Rachel Armstrong is Co-Director of AVATAR (Advanced Virtual and Technological Architectural Research) in Architecture & Synthetic Biology at The University of Greenwich, London.
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05 Jun, 2010
05 Nov, 2010
05 Jun, 2007