365 candied roses laid out in a steel grille on the floor. The roses are laid across one of the two entrances to the exhibition, and visitors have to choose between stepping on the roses and finding another way in. This is the floor grille on 30th November 2004.
Stories / Other Stories
"Rosarium" – An instrument and a floor grille
To quote Karl Marx: "It is about controlling production (bodily). Something appears (becomes visible) in the process of production, an added value, a new energy."
By Helene StubPublished 05 Feb, 2006
Over a year and a half Helene Stub produced 1000 candied roses. The process is laborious: The flowers collapse completely and must be reconstructed, petal by petal. The finished roses are very delicate.
In working with the roses, a political space appears: a potential space for action. In striving to attain goals, to get somewhere particular, we might, accidentally or knowingly, be stepping on someone.
There is always a choice.