The vertical structure of slender, branching steel columns give a view of the clifface and the sky.

The building contains a café, toilet facilities, commercial areas and an auditorium.

An external amphitheatre is integrated into the building.

The visitor’s centre is designed for summer occupation, which has allowed for finely scaled detailing.

The roof shape is an assembly of triangular prisms, which allow a view of the whole Trollveggen cliff and the sky above.

The exterior of the visitor’s centre is clad in black stained spruce boarding, on both walls and roof.


Trollveggen is the highest sheer cliff face in Europe. The existing roadside facilities for travellers along the narrow valley at the bottom of Trollveggen needed upgrading, and the new facility comprises parking and outdoor elements like bridges and seating in addition to the visitors’ centre.

The simple plan includes a café, restroom, commercial areas and an auditorium. The vertical articulation, however, with its series of triangulated prisms constructed with slender steel columns and branch structures, shows off the full height of the cliff face.

The exterior cladding is glazing and spruce panelling, stained black. Interior walls and ceilings are finished in pine plywood. The floor is polished concrete. The building is only designed for summer occupation, which allows for slender detailing.