Ryerson Student Learning Centre, Toronto. Main entrance from Yonge Street.

Ryerson Student Learning Centre, Toronto. Main entrance from Yonge Street.

“The Sky”, the study area on the top floor.

“The Bluff”, the mezzanine with digital media labs.

The lobby can be used for many types of events.

“The Valley”, the open lobby inside the main entrance.

“The Sun”, study area on the 5th level.

“The Beach”, 6th level.

“The Sun”, 5th level.

“The Sky”, top level.

Main entrance from Yonge Street.

Blue iridescent metal panels mark the entrance area.

Entrance level with “The Valley”. Existing building to the right.

“The Bluff”, mezzanine with bridge to existing building.

Level 6, “The Beach”.

Level 7, “The Forest”. Scale 1:500.

Diagram showing the concepts for each level.


Site plan.

Ryerson Student Learning Centre is the newest building on the urban commuter campus. Inspired by the historical gathering spaces of the Stoas and Agoras in ancient Greece, the Student Learning Centre gives students eight uniquely-designed floors of open study facilities, and connects the campus to the surrounding cityscape.

A south-facing raised platform opens the street corner for a broad range of pedestrian activities, an elevated space that creates a welcoming yet protected urban edge shared by students and the general public. Inside, the lobby acts as a multi-purpose forum with integrated seating and performance technology for events ranging from pep rallies to fashion shows and music performances.

Each floor of the building offers a different kind of space with a unique atmosphere, inspired by themes found in nature, from “The Sky” on the top floor and “The Beach” on sixth, to “The Forest” and “The Garden” – all providing differing learning programs with student services, traditional quiet study areas, and classrooms.

The façades of the building are composed of a digitally-printed fritted glass that envelops the exposed concrete structure. The varying façade pattern controls heat gain into the building and frames views of the city grid and nearby buildings.

Read Raja Moussaoui's review of the Ryerson Student Learning Centre here.