Summer House, Storfjord on the West coast.
The summer house is a place for family and friends to gather. The brief is simple: five bedrooms, living room, kitchen and sauna. The site is a rock shelf, with no vehicle access.
The living spaces are at ground floor level, with the bedrooms above, connected by stairs and bridges.
The laminated timber columns rise from hinged fixpoints in the ground to meet at the top. The angle varies according to the topography.
No trees have been cut down, just a few branches trimmed to place the bedrooms carefully among the trees.
The glass wall in the living room, with stainless steel stanchions. The glass is also fixed at floor and ceiling level, but has no internal supports.
The first floor rooms are supported by beams running in the walls and at parapet level, carried by slanting glulam timber columns, joined at the top. Section, working drawing.
All working drawings are an effective combination of printouts and hand drawing, with details and instructions added after printing. Section through staircase between ground and first floor.