The house is precisely located to get the right orientation of all the outdoor spaces.

The house is precisely located to get the right orientation of all the outdoor spaces.

The house is located on an otherwise unuseable part of the site.

Outdoor living room.

The main structure is standard dimension timbers, exposed internally.

Model. The house is planned from eaves level down.

From the very precise survey of the site.

The main structure consists of 57 posts, all fixed to the granite boulders, without blasting.

Upper ground level plan, with elevations.

Lower ground level and foundation plan, with sections.

The summer house by the seaside at Hvaler is set on a site with a very complex microtopography. As the local authorities have very specific planning restrictions for such sites, the building is located in the least useable place, leaving most of the natural ground untouched. The structure is fixed to point foundations drilled into the rock, with no blasting or excavation. The 10 x 10 metre gridded plan is organised to house two different families simultaneously with a certain degree of independence, each with an outdoor terrace. The section is stepped around the rock formation, giving different internal ceiling heights and a variety of storage possibilities.

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