The yard with the barn and the carriage house: new buildings that reflect the original structures.

The yard with the barn and the carriage house: new buildings that reflect the original structures.

The barn, yardside facade.

The yard with the barn.

The apartments in the barn each have a separate view across the fields.

Interior of one of the barn apartments.

Interior of one of the barn apartments.

The apartments in the barn turn their backs on the communal yard.

The apartments in the carriage house have living rooms that face the yard.

The new carriage house facade towards the yard.

The old carriage house. The roof tiles were reused on the new building.

Working drawing for the “tunnel” gateway through the barn.

Site plan.
1. Yard, 2. Barn apartments. 3. Carriage house apartments.

Plan for ten apartments in the barn.
1. Entrance, 2. Living/kitchen, 3. Bathroom, 4. Bedroom, 5. Storage, 6. Gateway, 7. Mailboxes.

Section through an apartment in the barn.
1. Entrance, 2. Living/kitchen, 3. Bathroom, 4. Bedroom.

Plan for five apartments in the carriage house.
1. Entrance, 2. Living/kitchen, 3. Bathroom, 4. Bedroom.

Detail section through external wall of carriage house.

Elevation and section of door shutter.

The living units are constructed using prefab modules, clad externally with timber panelling. The metal sheet roof of the barn reflects its utilitarian history, whilst the existing roof tiles were reused on the carriage house. The robust units, which range from 28 to 33 sq.m., all have individual kitchens and bathrooms. The farmyard is the main outdoor common space, and the old farmhouse contains common rooms and staff facilities.

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