“Repair” is a series of exhibitions curated by artist Eva Bakkeslett and architect Ola Sendstad, which explores repair as a way of thinking, as a skill set and as aesthetic expression.

In the latest exhibition, “Potential”, three artists and three architects were challenged to demonstrate the aesthetic possibilities of extending what already exists. The potential of repair is not in the universal or the perfect, but in the uniquely adapted and the continuously flexible. The qualities of repair cannot be predicted, but always has its strength in the real, the immediate and perhaps in the personal.

“Worn out”. Rodeo Arkitekter. Photo: Are Carlsen

Worn out

What happens to what has expired?

The thousands of doors that are not opened and which we no longer see any value in?

Can they continue and still be what they once formed if we repair them to meet our new needs?

The installation that constitutes Rodeo's contribution to "Repair: Potential" is a series of worn out doors that have had to adapt to a new room, and may open up for a new way of thinking.

Rodeo Architects

From “Stop”. Artist: Kari Steihaug.Photo: Eva Bakkeslett


About stopping, to stop, time and wear, and to repair the word that disappeared.

What happened here? I ask students in the 5th grade and show them the mitten with stopping and stitching.

"No clue, they answer in unison.

Have you heard of stopping?

They shake their heads.

After a while, a girl says: "At least, there must be something with traffic lights to do."

... I did not think so, but she is right, because both the stop and the flashing traffic light will prevent destruction or accident, whether it's in the intersection or in the mitten.

Mittens and vests,

is found and received,

stopped by others,

and stopped by me.

Kari Steihaug

From “Stop”. The heel of a ­darned sock. Photo: Jannik AbelFrom “Stop”. Detail of darned vest. Photo: Eva Bakkeslett

"Stopp" av Kari Steinhaug. Photo: Are Carlsen

"Stopp" av Kari Steinhaug. Photo: Galleri ROM


The exhibition "Potential" was the second part of the project REPAIR - Gallery ROM's ongoing exploration of aesthetics, ethics and pragmatics in repair, and was shown at Gallery ROM in October and November 2016.

The first exhibition in REPAIR was the restoration project "Litte Norway", which was presented in Architecture N No. 7 / 8-2016. The third exhibition opened February 23th 2017 and was about repair and resource use.

Participants in "Potential": Rodeo Architects, Tandberg Architects, Third Nature (DK) and the artists Kari Steihaug and Kristoffer Myskja. Curators: Eva Bakkeslett, Ola Sendstad and Elise Storsveen Manufacturer: ROM / Henrik der Minassian www.romrepair.no