Projects / Dwelling
Viewpoint Gudbrandsjuvet
Jensen & Skodvin's project at Gudbrandsjuvet started with a viewing platform and continued to the construction of a landscape hotel and sevice centre.
Architect: Jensen & Skodvin Arkitektkontor
Published 05 Jun, 2010
Gudbrandsjuvet is a series of wild waterfalls and pools – created by the river Valldøla, also running through a narrow gorge. According to folktales, this is where Gudbrand jumped across the river, carrying his bride, whom he had stolen from someone else. The area, situated in the north-western area of Norway, is an attraction, reaching 250 000 visitors every summer. Jensen & Skodvins work makes the gorge accessible and safe, by encircling a small hillock in a steel and concrete structure with a slender steel railing.